Configuring Repositories

Configuring a repository involves not just the repository itself, but other settings related.


On the admin site in the section Deposit you find your repositories. You can add and modify them.

You have the following options:

The name of the repository
The description of the repository. This is shown to the user. You cannot use any markup.
URL of the repository, ex:
A logo of your repository or it’s hosting institution. This is shown to the user.
You can choose a protocol to use for the deposit.
The source with which the OaiRecords associated with the deposits are created
Username and Password
If your repository uses password authentication, fill in these values
If your repository uses an API key, fill it in here
URL to call when depositing
Update Status URL
If not empty, from this URL the SWORD protocol refreshes the deposit status. The id of the repository entry is inserted at {}, so the URL must contain {}.
Here you can enable or disable the repository. Disabling means that the repository refuses to deposit and is not shown to the user.
Abstract required
Define wether the user must enter an abstract. Usually abstracts can be fetched from Zotero. Default is: Yes.
Defines wether an embargo is required, optional or not used by the repository.
Green open access service
Set a custom text shown to the user after depositing in this repository. Leave this empty if you do not want a message shown to the user. See Green Open Access Service
Here you can choose some DDC for the repository. If no DDC is selected, the user won’t be bothered at all. See also: DDC
License chooser

Here you can add a list of license that your repository accepts. There is no limit, but you should keep your selection moderate There are the following options:

Transmit id
Value to identify the license in the metadata.
The position in which the corresponding license shall be shown to the user. The behaviour is as for pythons list. The position is per repository. However, using -1 can lead to a higher number. This is kind of a bug, but does no harm. Also some propulated values might not start with a 0.
Check, if you want to use this as default license. In the resulting list on the deposit page, this license is preselected. If you do not set any check, the first license (in alphabetical order) is used. If you check more than one, thie first of the checked license (in alphabetical order) is used. Both cases lead to a warning.

See also: Licenses


Our implementation of the HAL protocol does not uses licenses or DDC. Our implementation of the Zenodo protocol does not use DDC.


On this site you can define DDC classes. You can choose any of the classes from 000 to 999. Leading zeros are automatically added when calling __str__ of object. Set parent to make a group. Parent can be any of the class in 100*i for i in range(10). This groups the DDC when displayed to the user.


You can localize your DDC name, see Localization for further information.

Green Open Access Service

Here you can set a text about a possible alert after the user deposits into a repository. The GOAS object requires

  • heading - Heading, e.g. the name of the service.
  • text - A short text displayed to the user.
  • learn_more_url - URL to the webpage with more information about this service


You can localize your Green Open Access Service alerts, see Localization for further information.

See also Green Open Access Service.


On the admin site in the section Deposit you find the licenses. You can add and modify them.

Each license consists of its name and its URI. If your license does not provide a URI, you can use the namespace


You can localize your licenses name, see Localization for further information.


To match a repository with an institution, see Configuring Institutions.

Creating a Letter of Declaration

The letter of declaration is a sensitive document since it has a legal character.

To maintain the legal character, Dissemin does ship to letter of declaration as it is designed by the repository administration.

There are three ways to handle this:

  1. Serve the user the letter and let him fill in everything
  2. Fill in the letter with forms
  3. Set the letter in python using reportlab

The second way is the least effort and keeps the corporate design easily.

First, inspect the pdf forms with pdftk using pdftk <pdf> dump_data_fields > fields.txt. Then in fields.txt you can see the form fields and their names. Identify the names and values.

Next, place the file with a meaningful name in deposit/declarations/pdf_templates/.

Now, some things need to be coded in Python. In deposit/ add a new function. Let it create a list of (Field name, Value) with the necessary values and pass it together with the path to the file to the function fill_forms. By default, all forms will be replaced with plain text. If you want to keep the forms, pass flatten=False als additional parameter. The return value of fill_forms is a io.BytesIO that you just return.

In order to make your new function available to the repository, add the function with a meaningful key to REGISTERED_DECLARATION_FUNCTIONS.

In the admin section you can then add a new letter of declaration.

Here you can set a text about a possible alert after the user deposits into a repository. The object requires

  • heading - Heading, e.g. ‘Contract required!’.
  • text - A short text displayed to the user.
  • url_text - Text of the download button.
  • url - The URL to an online form
  • function key - The function that generates the letter.


You can localize your letter of declaration alerts, see Localization for further information.

See also Letter of Declaration.

After this is done, you can choose a letter od declaration object for your repository and it will display!