
This documentation is generated by sphinx and hosted on Readthedocs, so it will be always up to date.

Building local documentation

In case you need a local documentation, e.g. to check formatting, activate your virtual environment, make sure to have installed requirements-dev.txt.

Then, compile these RST sources to HTML:

cd doc/sphinx ; make html

The HTML output is then available in doc/sphinx/_build/html/.

The theme is the same as from Readthedocs.

Generating model diagrams

The UML diagrams for the models are generated using the django-extensions library. When making changes to the models, these diagrams should be updated. They are generated as follows:

./ graph_models papers | dot -Tpng -o papers_models.png

It is possible to generate a single graph for multiple apps, using:

./ graph_models papers publishers deposit | dot -Tpng many_models.png

This relies on the graphviz package to render the graphs to PNG (apt-get install graphviz). More documentation about this feature can be found at