
First, install Vagrant and one of the supported providers: VirtualBox (should work fine), LXC (tested), libvirt (try it and tell us!). Then run the following commands:

  • git clone will clone the repository, i.e., download the source code of Dissemin. You should not reuse an existing copy of the repository, otherwise it may cause errors with Vagrant later.
  • cd dissemin to go in the repository
  • Run vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest to install the VirtualBox guest additions plugin for Vagrant
  • Run ./ to create the VM / container and provision the machine once
  • vagrant ssh will let you poke into the machine and access its services (PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch)
  • A tmux session is running so that you can check out the Celery and Django development server, attach it using: tmux attach. It contains a bash panel, two panels to check on Celery and Django development server and a panel to create a superuser (admin account) for Dissemin, which you can then use from localhost:8080/admin.

Dissemin will be available on your host machine at localhost:8080.

Note that, when rebooting the Vagrant VM / container, the Dissemin server will not be started automatically. To do it, once you have booted the machine, run vagrant ssh and then cd /dissemin and ./ and wait for some time until it says that Dissemin has started. The same holds for other backend services, you can check the Vagrantfile and provisioning/ to find out how to start them.